Finding that Perfect Fit

Tracy with Dr. Marion “Jack” Walker at our Community Network training.
By Tracy Taback, HA’s Connecticut Community Network Leader
I got involved with the Hydrocephalus Association in 2010 and attended my first, of hopefully many, National Conferences on Hydrocephalus in 2012. I attended the conference by myself, eager to see what this whole event was all about. I planned to room with another woman who I had spoken with on the phone and through email who also has hydrocephalus. I didn’t know many people going in, although it was pretty neat to see people’s name tags and say “Hey, we’ve ‘talked’ on the HA Facebook group.”
Although I attended the conference by myself, I have never felt like I fit in so well anywhere I’ve been as I did at the HA conference. It was truly amazing to be surrounded by people who either have hydrocephalus themselves that know exactly what it’s like to live the way I live, or someone who cares for a loved one who has hydrocephalus, that knows first hand how we live. In a short long-weekend, I made more friends who I could relate to on a level that many of my friends can’t relate.
Upon returning home, I told my mom that she had to come with me to an HA conference in the future. Not only could I benefit from attending future conferences – both learning more about the condition and how to manage my life while living with it, but also my mom could benefit so much by sharing her experience with others who love and care for those of us with hydrocephalus. I’m not sure if my mom will be able to attend with me this year, but I have already made my hotel reservation and can’t wait to meet so many of you in Minneapolis!
Click here to look at the full Conference Schedule.
We have four great registration options this year.
- Full four day registration
- Single day registration
- Half day registration
- Virtual registration through access to our LIVE STREAM
If you’re local, join us for dinner and dancing at our Dinner Dance and Talent Show Saturday night! Tickets are available online.